This review is from the point of view of a mass comm student. As much as I loved the initial campaign so much, I was very dissapointed with the actual outcome of all the hype. I thought, wait, lets give it some time, but I guess its been quite some time, and the paper has not improved.
About DNA, the one thing that I really liked was the increase in participatory levels among the readers. The second page of the main supplement is devoted to reader views and articles. This was very intereting in the start, but off late, ti has got a little monotonous, as some of the views featured are quite biased and sometimes uninformed as well. true that they are portraying what the readers believe, but shouldnt there be a fair balance between views based on facts and those that are just based on biases?
Ok, another grudge is that, most of the tmes, the news that make it to the front page arent worth being on the front page. Try comparing the front page stories of DNA with say, The Indian Express or for that matter, the Times of India and you will see the difference. Its sad to say that it has become a little tabloidish, for want of a better word.
The editorials are ok, sometimes they are really good. But they also tend to amke a lot of these editorial mistakes, land this leads to a lot of corrigendums... not good!
Ok, to save the best for the last, I absolutely love the supplements that come along with the main paper. After Hrs and DNA Money are the daily local supplements that comes everyday, and each day has a different supplement. Brick n Mortar (estate), DNA Academy (education), DNA Glory (film), 360 Degrees... and so on... Of special mention are Adzip (Advt and media), and Me (Sunday womens magazine) which I absolutely love.
So all in all, DNAis high on entertainment value, though not serious enough. So if thats what you want, then go for it!