When I saw mumbai ad space being splashed with DNA ads, I was telling myself here is one more daily to vanish like others in the past. but I am pleased today that I was grossly wrong and really underestimated the power of brand positioning, a neat logo, a strong marketing, imaginative page layouts, consistent and clever use of graphics.
The DNA came after HT but surpassed it effortlessly. Thanks to HT and DNA that the big daddy, TOI had to start supplying Mumbai Times free along with the main paper.
Why I like DNA ? well, the look of the paper is fresh, young. The letter style and font size are legible and captivating. the sections are treated with good research although a central mumbai bias is very much evident while covering the main news events. The local, region specific news within mumbai is the USP of DNA. The pg. 3 coverage is more than expected but public ko mangata hai. my kids love the paper esp Sunday edition.
What I do not like abt the paper ? the editorials lack the punch. at times the language is either too spartan/bland or too ornamental to grasp the essence of the piece. Need to develop some serious areas like science and technology, sociology, public governance, language learning as Hindu does.