Wondering that why I had given this heading.
Let me start that Its Long time that no english news paper has given any competition to The Times Of India in their biggest market Mumbai.
So to give competition to TOI in 2005 The Hindustan Times And DNA both started their Newspaper innings in Mumbai.
After Seeing their growth and performance I am writing this review.
DNA is result of joint venture between Subhash chandra goel (owner of Zee tv.)and Dainik Bhasker group. For this they have hired many people who had served times before like Ayaz menon, Malvika sanghvi, pradeep guha and many more.
After almost year we can see that DNA has Grown in terms of Readership and In terms of Subscriber than The HT. but it cant challenge dominance of Times.
Dna is welcome for mumbai people from Times journalism.
Dna is giving news good way not like Hard core journalism Becoz people dont need to much hardcore same political news and views.
Everyday DNA comes with different supplement based on particular theme along with separate supplement on Finance, Sports and glamour.
Daily supplement
BIO DNA on monday focuses on Education and study.
DNA Academy On tuesday focusses on Careers and job market.
Ad zip on wednesday on Advertising and Marketing Business.
Rav Up on Thrusday on car and motor bikes
Glamour on friday On movie and bollywood business.
Life on Saturday on travel and celebrities.
Brick and Mortar On Construction and interior and residential house.
After Hours sunday On sunday on normal supplement special feature and details write up.
Me a magazine for womans and covers general issue like recipe, cosmetic
and many more things.
DNA money on everyday monday to saturday covering stock market, business news and personal finance.
After Hours on everyday covering glamour world and all page3 parties .
so Dna Gives something for every class of people.
If compare it with HT you will find HT gives news more on hardcore issue but covers political and analysis , views.
Dna is ahead of THE HT in terms of Subscriber numbers is may be due to their Subscription scheme and Market research it carried initially and Hype created it by launching media blitz and marketing campaign.
On overall basis Dna is good and light kind on newspaper but somewhat it lacks the depths of news and reporting of news.
may be their subscriber number higher due to their subscription scheme offering very low rate of annual charges.
Let see how their innings shape in near future in mumbai.