Let me Speak up- Its NOT in my DNA!
The daily news follows when we begin our day, or perhaps when we call it a day, as in my case. Ive given up reading the stack of thick folded papers in the morning and nothing more than just a glance at the front headline keeps me abreast. By this, I save a lot of time and truly enjoy my mornin mug of tea:)
I picked up this newspaper out of curiosity, after all that hype and the advertisement (sounded and looked intelligent, I should say), but alas, there was nothing extra ordinary. Well, we all get our Daily dose of News dont we?, but I was scanning the paper for some solid analysis behind all those news, and found not even the A of it. Infact it appeared to me like a big cocktail of the leading local and national newspapers like TOI and Mid-Day (ha, you wont spot much difference between these two also)
But coming to analysis and its related meaning of assessment, evaluation, examination, ; arrangement, assortment, division, reduction, segmentation, separation, etc...was all absent in the DNA.
People believe what they Read. After all we cant go on speculating by sitting at home, every controversial news. Its easier and comfortable to accept what the journalists and the editors had to say of the daily happenings around the globe. So if there is a claim that the report is analysed and presented it means it has been studied, investigated, the events have been followed, it has been put to debate, and the result derived. All this takes time, and surely demands special effort and skill from the team of experts. The news might appear a little late, but then it would be an analysed report and definitely worth reading.
I turned pages after pages of DNA, from one supplement to another, glanced at the headlines, saw the relevant pictures, some advertisements, few international news scattered here and there, and other daily gibberish, but nothing so special or rich in the body of the copy as in Indian Express, or the sequence of news as in TOI, nor were their pictures or caption really as catchy as in Economic Times, Mid-day or Mumbai mirror. It is your local, average newspaper.
But, hold on! dont cancel your subscription yet, there was something though, that made it stand apart from all the daily newspapers, and yes, that was the look of the DNA. They have somehow managed to make it look fresh as compared to the other dailies. It was perhaps the right combination of background and foreground color, well spaced out articles, making it easy on the eyes, quality paper and just the correct length and breath of the pages, convenient to both the arms. Now this is some Research I should say! But Im still waiting for the Analysis :)
Ill still wait and watch how it develops over the next few weeks, before I recommend to others here. Maybe they would just surprise us with in-depth report and style or perhaps its-just-not-in-their-DNA.
What do you think?