Hi Guys,
Living in Mumbai has made Times of India(TOI) an important and indispensible part of life. One cannot but feel dissatisfied if one has not had browsed through its familiar pages along with the morning cuppa. No wonder then that I resisted strongly any marketing efforts of other newspapers. I used to tell all marketing guys(of other newspapers) to give me a months stock free so that I can get used to the other newspapers.
But of late, I have been feeling a little dissatisfied with the TOI. They have virtually become a tabloid from a respectable and credible newspaper. But more about TOI in some other review.
A few weeks ago, I got a fantastic offer from Daily New Analysis(DNA). They gave me an annual subscription at just Rs. 100/-! I could not believe my luck and decided to subscribe and give it a try. I could always switch back to TOI if the need arises - so I thought.
I got a booklet of 12 coupons and I went home and broke the good news to my family. I also went ahead and dutifully informed the newspaper vendor of the same. He flatly refused to deliver - He was polite but firm. He said that the DNA people do not pay them any commission worth mentioning(and how can they? with such a low price for subscriptions - unless they are planning to make more money from advertisements).
The option I got was to take Hindustan Times(HT) along with DNA which is what I did as otherwise I would not have got my morning fix!
*So I have decided that DNA actually stands for Daily Newspaper Awaited!
Hope the DNA people read this and do something about this.
*But otherwise, I feel the newspaper is decent. Coverage is fine and nothing vulgar is displayed(unlike the TOI)
Thanks for reading this review and look forward to your comments.