They say ’its not wat the brain can do, its wat u can do with it. So everyone has rite to use his grey substance. I m happy to use it in my own useless ways. So, my surfing dividend should not be expected to be serve humanity in anyways, at best it can be good for, well......ummmm, ...nothing.. * : No need to go to church for confessions anymore. St. Peter in online. This very ’net-lok’ gives u all. U can confess the most unmentinable things, n submitt it here. What more, u can also view other confessions n comment on it too. The quality of confessions varies from chruch-serious to aww-disgusting types. N hey don worry, ur identity is concealed, so don b shy, common, let the unwanted come out.
FAQs :
What is this site all about ? : As evident from the name, its all about confessions. U r free to submit all kind of confessinal regrets that u have in mind and they post it on their site. U also get comments (by other users) on the same.
What is the procedure ? : Just click on the submission button. Have ur say, thats it.
Can I confesion anything ? : Yes u can. U can submitt ur request. Its then evaluted at their end, and if approved, it gets a posting on thier website.
What about my identity ? : Its up to u, if u wish to tell ur real name, fine. Else, u can submitt ur confessions under psedo or anonymus identity.
What types of confessions do ppl do ? : Well, it depends. The variety varies from Church serious to brutually honest and hard hitting to awfully disgusting.
Can I get a few Samples ? : Aw ! I m dying to answer that . Here go :
Samples :
I M Such A Loser - ( Category - Something Completely Different)
When I started out I didn’t have all that much money but I quickly made a lot of it.
It was going good for a while but then things just started going downhill. I made a few wrong business decisions and before I knew it I was sitting in jail. By the time I was out I had almost nothing left. I was going bankrupt fast.
I confess that I robbed the bank and got away with it. I felt so bad when I was doing it but it was the only way. It didn’t help me though, I still went bankrupt.
Just when I thought things couldn’t get any worse my sister goes and takes my boot.
This is the LAST time I play Monopoly.
You Can Transport Them ? ( Category - Huh !) - This is ’Aww- Disguting’ Type...
My son has learned how to transport a fartt to another location.
If someone (other than him) passes gas, he will run over to that person and inhale the fumes into his lungs. He will then run over to another person and exhale the contents into their face.
I am so proud of him!
Just One More Push - Category - Bizzare Content
I confess that when I sit on the toilet and it is one of those times that need pushing I pretend I am in labor and giving birth. I have a conversation with myself:
’Oooohh....I can’t!’
’Yes you can! Just push!’
’’s too hard!’
’You can do it! Push! That’s it, it will soon be over!’
’Ooohhh! (deed done) she’s beautiful!’
And I feel so proud of myself.
I hope I am not the only one?
(hehe, now don ask me who confessed that................)
K, fine , but what exaclty is the advantage ? : Well, u need not to tell ur secrets to Kamala Bai anymore. And u can also get an idea of whats cooking in Internatinal Kamala Bai’s Kitchen. U might get a few ur types there. Its always gud to know that u r not the only one , hehe.... Also, u can use ur creativity n make some entertaining confessions. If they like ur concept , they post those kind of things too....
Anything else u wanna tell : Yeah, I confess its a conceptual site and nothing except the concept is really impressive. It has a mediocre design, n half heart attempt to make this site don-know-wat-exactly type. A boring front page n equally comepetitive Sub-pages. An Okiesh Surfing speed. However if u like the concept, u can get hooked to it, n can easily ignore its drawbacks, n enjoy reading stuff, which one is always curious to know.
PS : I also confess that MS just added this site y’day on my request. Probably, MS didnt have any idea about its wherebouts n my good intentions. I also confess that I m planning to sent a few more websites request to MS, which are going to be equally useful (?) to u ppl, and also help me in riting these ’thought provoking and extremely intesting’ revus.
Now that u r accused f reading this revu, u got to purify ur sins, so rush to
hehe, ’Someone’s Confession is Someones ....... ???’