Dalhousie is destination located himachal pradesh.dalhousie are above for pathankot. Dalhousie visited with collage friend for tracking camp in under invincible ngo.
Dalhousie are nice atmosphere and place are shaw cool. Dalhousie are atmospheric noise free and polution free.
Dalhousie near are available chemera lack and subhsh bavli place.chamera lack place are shaw beutifull and during the sun set point for lack are awesome. Subhash bavli place are subha chndra boje is tretment durin the his infection for tb and water are shaw usefull.
Dalhoise are shaw cool place them most of couple are visited. But I visited with college friend. Dalhousie above for lakdmandi, kaltop, paunchkull are most visted place.
Khajiyar are mini Switzerland of India are avalible near for dalhousie.