The movie based on true insident that way movie get intrest of odiuns
The acting of the perfectionist mr. Amir khan sir it give movie a spectacular loock movie makes audians hapy and great
Movie is based on mr. Mahavir singh fhogat life that why it make ewryone ne loock
The songs of thise movie is bast
Ewery thing about movie is so real like your watching this at live it alsocry the audience.
Best thing about this movi is Amir sirs hariyanvi the talking the harnvi so loking really that audience thig his from hariyana.
All thing si real the filing the set.
Most popular thing is about this movie is the fiting of real dangal loock.
The childs of amir in this movie are done werry well job ther acting is also loking real.
Movie countain a good funny movment that audience not geting boor.
All thing is avery one want to for this movie with thyer familys