Again again and again Aamir Sir! You are Rock.This movie is really a piece of inspiration for the Women all over the world.I have seen this movie about 4 times and every time it gives some inspiration, inspiration to have courage in ones self, to set and achieve a goal in life, to make everyone Happy.
I am just sharing my experience with all of you guys because.again Its Aamir Khans Film.Especially the efforts of all the characters in the movie are just amazing.
One thing is just my favourite in this film and that is the true story of the movie.
I mean just look at the Two Winners Geeta and Babeeta who have suffered a lot of difficulties in life, to achieve a specific goal in life and that was the GOLD MEDAL for the Country.
Solute you Aamir Sir.
I will suggest everyone to watch the movie at least one time.
Because these type of movies gives will power to all of us and remind us about our Goals in Life.