Dangal offers few surprizes because geeta and babita historic wins at the commonwealth games and following championships are common knowledge.whole movie is really a motivational for every penson nd specially for those who want to achieve big victory in life.great performace from from aamir khan but the he tries his best to give the best in his role but he cant do his best in his language. He cannot speak frequently in haryanvi language.overall the best movie in 2016. everybody tries his best and it shows.and it actully took me to that world.a story is not about a girl to winning a gold medal for india but it is about the relationship between the father and his daughters. Once I feel that aamir is a professional wresler actully he is very into it. Aamir transformation is really really appriaciable. Geeta and babita acting really amazing as a fresher there looks is also good Music is also very good.Once I get emotional when geeta cries on the phone with his father when she loose international in sydney.