Lets accept a reality, We are not accustomed to experiments in movies. Long bollywood movie watching history, has groomed us to formula based movies. All that crying, screaming, family dramas, even thrillers are around family and love stories etc.
I am happy to see new experiments in movies, lately these two songless movies were really great. It is themed entertainment. Darna mana hai is unique experiment and director, producer had guts to make such a movie with lot of risks involved.
There are few glitches in the story but overall it is really a good fresh experience to watch the movie.
Bollywood is taking shape these days. New experiments are taking place and we are learning to watch and enjoy movies from a different perspective. For example, I want to watch a thriller, I would love to watch thriller only not a thriller movie with love story, mother, father, sister, sas and bahu involved. So now, choice is available in indian cinema. Earlier it was not.
Darna mana hai, is disliked by those who are hoping to see mix masala of bollywood style. It is liked by those who want to watch something good life-like lite horror movie. Darna mana hai flows like this as we tell our friends our experiences in real life. Thats why it is worth watching. Thanks to director, producer for not putting songs in their movies.