Never ever get admitted here for any surgeries or treatments related to skin or anything..!!
Have had very bad proved experiences on my mothers surgeries where they made it worst and gave also wrong medications. Fortunately I went to hinduja after that and I got treated on time and came to know of all complications done by them. The doctor is not at all time conscious. Takes helluva time to come on time ! the dressings & surgeries are not done properly.. !
the feet surgery of my mother was wrongly done and the cut for operation was also done at the wrong place..even after the surgery she came home she was in pain..the foot again got swollen and my mothers pain was worse.. we got admitted to hindujas and there after a surgery we got to know all the facts and mistakes made at Dr. das. hospital.
I would never ever recommend this hospital even to enemies..try dr tandon below this hospital which is better but never ever venture into this one..