Nowadays people are very much lured by online hoe based job offers or something like Surveys etc. But in reality people who motivate others make money out of their websites and videos by minimization and benefit those people who offer online jobs no matter fake or legit. Because as many views or visitors they have their revenue increases accordingly.
Only common job seekers are made fool of. People who are interested in doing such jobs become easy victims.
Salary and benefits : as far as salary is concerned its the least possible you can think of. They dont value neither your precious time nor your money or data. I feel ashamed on their behalf about the salary these people offer you. It is not worth your efforts.
Job Security : totally absent there as they can get someone else at lower salary or kick you out for nothing. Or there may be not enough work for you.
Carrier growth is very much limited. Its not possible you can achieve some higher status while working there.
Working Environment is not friendly as you have to work unstoppable fr hours together for least possible income. you dont get time to do other things. you just have to stay on your computer round the clock, which is very much harmful to your health. Particularly leading to back pain, eye defects, obesity etc
Recommendations : I wouldnt like to recommend it easily unless and until environment changes very favourably.