Data comp is spending lot of money for seminar collecting 100/200 rupees from lic agents but they never follow even a single thing which they teach in seminar. They talk ill about lic agents and generalize the statements.
Almost all executives are behind only new sales because it is linked with incentives. management in Bangalore especially is totally careless, irresponsible. Management is looking short time benefit by doing new sales, forgetting the existing client. They can collect n-number of lacks in service which is long time benefit and association
I feel a local software wala is more responsible and gives good support because I have both software
I am dealing with both of them. Data comp software is a real -not dependable software. They give service only to the top agents who comes praise them in all meetings and seminars, sell and run away.
they need to improve.
Their service is like India in 1947, they have to travel a lot.