Never go for any contract job specially with this co. Until youre starving to death. With personal exp with this co. I suggest all people to beware of datacore. I joined a world level co. through datacore by seeing a better salary than my current salary that time( actually this kind of co. take big amount from big co. & give u small pieces of breads eat).
I did great mistake 2 yrs back, that I didnt think about the security of job thr, bcoz they make me wear of a big MNCs goggle. I joined that MNC 600 kms from my current working place but unfortunately that mnc withdraw that project for what I was hired & they told me to go back to home without any notice period.
I contacted datacore but those fraud people raised their hands. I came on the road with no job. I have kicked off my good going job in the trap of datacore. So if you get contract job offer always take written agreement to notice period if such kind of situation occurs. these people will say orally that "no this will never happened, youre safe.
But dears, if you love your life, job & happiness, dont see the tags of MNC. Think & be safe.