I have placed an pre market order in jan 2012 with a promise that the ubislate will be delivered in march 2012. They have also informed that the product will be delivered on priority and packing charges of Rs.199/- will be waived. March passed away without delivery. After repeated emails, they confirmed it will be delivered between 15th April and 23rd April. I requested them to let me know the details of the courier company as and when it is despatched. There is no response. Repeated emails are unanswered and probably junked. Their call center (fortunately toll free) is 18001802180. Try calling it and be prepared for the most intriguing messages. You get to hear the ring tone without being answered. Then there comes a surprising message that service to the number is disconnected temporarily. After more than a 100 attempts you may be fortunate to get someone on line. He will ask you name, city and mobile number and announces that it will be delivered soon.
Sometimes they will ask if advance payment is made. Sometimes they just hang up. He/She does not even take a reference of the order no. or payment details. When questioned persistently, he says he is sorry and cannot provide any information. He does not when it will be delivered; the land line of the senior executive so that we can talk directly; does not if the order can be cancelled. In short, he knows only to say that the product will be delivered soon. No doubt the product is somewhat cheap and has good features (like tablet + phone in one device). But you do not know whether the soon happens in 2012 or 2013 or .....
That is one of the most irritating experiences I have encountered so far. If you want to have fun try calling the above number after 9pm or 10pm.
Another humorous point is that the product was not available till 26th April 2012 while the website shows that product is sold out for the current month and sometimes the next month also. There is absolutely no information as to how many advance paid orders are in queue and what is the expected delivery date or the production capacity. Really disgusting and frustrating.
Please call the toll free number or send email to supportin@datawind.com and payment@datawind.com. And dont be surprised if the mail returns undelivered with the message that the quota allotted to the recipient is exhausted!