Data Wind neither sending the Product nor giving refund but making me fool every time I called them on 01832581330 they are just saying that they will send the product this week but that week doent comes
I have bought Ubislate 7C+
Paid on - 27feb(paid online through DEBIT CARD of PNB Bank)
Order no - PM8C4A
DATA WIND(Ubislate)
I got the product, But the product was not working & when I called customer care so many time then after a week they told me to return the product to Data Wind AMRITSAR & they will replace the product within 15 days.
ON 14 March I send it from GURGAON(Haryana) through
BLAZEFLASH Courier and the courier charged me Rs 450.
& it is received by data wind(Amritsar) on 15 March. Ubislate 7C+
serial no. - P31413xxxxxxxxxx
imei no. - 91130xxxxxxxxxx
Data wind called me & told me that the replaced product(7C+) will be delivered to me within 15 days
Again Datawind called me & told me that due to shortage the product would be delivered between 2-6 April, BUT the product not delivered.
I again called data wind & they told me that the they will
dispatch the product latest by 10th April.
But as usual the product is not delivered to me & when on
12thApril I send a mail to Data Wind to get refund, then they promised me to dispatch the product around 6pm on the same day(i.e.12April), but even today I didnt get any product & I again called data wind in the morning & they have the same answer " that they will send the product this week.
I am waiting for Ubislate 7C+ from 27 Feb but still I cant get
the product.
ToTaL= Rs 4799+ Rs 450+ inconvenience caused me
They are not giving refund.