For quite a few years I have used Davidoff Cool Water (for Men - I am a guy) and have been glad I spent the money. I am not much of a perfume user but do like Davidoff (even more than I like Paco and Jovan Musk). It is one of the classiest perfumes on the shelves. Not too strong and not too macho - just great just right.
Then I came across Cool Water for Women and was floored by the aroma. It was a must buy for my wife and I did buy it for her. I am not sure which one of us is more excited at the purchase. She loves it too, almost more than Jadore.
To me it epitomises the very essence of a Lady. It is cool, mature not loud and very very classy. The aroma is stable through 6 - 8 hours and is never irritatingly strong. Many perfumes start to resemble the smell of an agarbatti after 4 - 5 hours!
The packing is neat - not too weird as is the nature of perfume bottles these days.
The pricing is a bit on the higher side but not in comparison with other high profile perfumes. I would definitely buy the large bottle as this is a perfume one does not tire of easily (and the larger bottle is more economical per volume of perfume).
The natural inclination of a person hit by the aroma of this perfume is to shut their eyes slowly and just inhale and be enchanted. Happens all the time.
I recommend this one highly to all those ladies out there and as a sure fire gift idea to those guys out there.