The Deadpool 2 is the sequel of Deadpool 1. The Deadpool 2 trailer is lauched in last week and the trailer was too good. The plot of part one was so good so as per trailer comes so good so movie plot may also too good and the action of Deadpool in Deadpool 2 may also more.
As in trailer shows the now in this part Deadpool join the x-men and the behaviour of deadpool still as it is. The performance of Deadpool is may be increase than part 1 and all the colleagues of the Deadpool in movie shall do good performance rather its in favour with Deadpool or not.
The music of the Deadpool 2 is as per trailer to good and the sound its like very good to listen.
The cinematography is to good and the location of every scene and the fight action scene is also nice to watch.
This all are the review base on the trailer of Deadpool 2.
The Deadpool 2 movie will realise in 18 may 2018.