This movie is very intresting and very funny comedy does he die? Does he not? Are does he? The basanti of superheroes is back and must from a team x force of his own . Since this is or rayed film we dont mind saying the following it takes ba*s to come right after avengers infinity war one of the biggest superhero moves of all time and sex on its star power by presenting a film thats more intarting engaging relaluble and immersive. Led by a flowed and disfigured superhero the action comedy scores without the crutch of big faces or the usual superhero trappings audociously crafted and cleverly written deadpool 2 has the ability to end the avengers reigirt at the box office credit goes to writters for ensuring that the constant wisecracks digs at pther superhero or pop culture reference dont district a viewer from the storys emotional core and this movie action and very awesome and do not try this movie action at home