This sequel of deadpool is more hilarious and action flick than its first part. This movie star is ryan reynolds as deadpool and the whole story revolves around him. The movie starts with a sentimental contlnectivity between deadpool and vaneesa who wants to have a baby. Later because of one gang, which deadpool killed , came for vengance and accidently kills his wife vaneesa. How the things changes for deadpool is the movie and how he helps and transforms a mutant boy, Rushell into a good human being is the best part. Cable character is awesome but the director didnot reveals his total powers in the movie. really people I hve enjoyed a lot in the movie. The characterisations and CGI work is excellent. Joggernaut is unexpected twist. Deadpool forms a team called as X force but the team dies in the very next scenes except domino. I really unable to figure why this scene has happened.
The movie is totally good with one line epic punches. And the movie slowly turns into family watchable. The sound effects are ultimate. Fight scenes are good especially with joggernaut. Cable entry is epic. The conversations between cable and deadpool are hilarious. Some scenes are too dark but they are good. Story is very simple with understandable plot. The dorector david leitch, utilised the characters very well. The movie is a totally fun ride.