Deadpool 2 directed by David leitch, written by Rhett Reese, Paul wernick, and our favourite Ryan Reynolds. Ryan also star as Deadpool/Wade Wilson.
Plot: The start with death of wades girlfriend and deadpool looks for ways to die. Then cable ( Josh brolin) came from future to kill Iron fist. And deadpool tries to save him.
Performances: Ryan Reynolds bring all the humor in the film by playing a villainous character. All other also have given terrific performances, my personal favourite are Domino and Peter.
Music: The first movie was good in terms of music than this sequel. Still it is gripping and adds emotion to the story.
Cinematography: The camera angles used in the film were good but again not as good as the first one still good enough to entertain us.
Stunts of the film really make the film amazing nothing to say just go and watch it.
All over the is full with humor and comedy but story is bit neglected this time. The film is not as good as the first one in terms of story but more comedies than first. Must watch it.