I saw Deadpool & Starwars last night. Deadpool is stupid in a Mel brooks kind of way. It kept my interest. Starwars / was never a huge fan but the costumes, special effects and sound track just cant be beat
So. I quizzed Marcus as to why he took off to see Deadpool without me! ", there are sex scenes in it". How silly, I thought, took myself off to watch said film, returned and challenged " Im broad minded, I could have handled that" his response "Would you have gone with Grannie and Granded?" "Hell no!". " OK then" his response, "So now we get to talk about a bloody brilliant film without you ruining the sex scenes for me". I see his point. Got to stay to the end of the credits, hardcore Marvel, stay to the end of the credits. Ive been hearing from friends who witnessed upset parents complaining to theater managers about this movie. As a parent its your responsibility to educate yourself anytime you take your kids to see a movie.
I think it forced them to get creative, and were better off for it. I prefer Negasonic to Cannonball anyway. And the way they snuck Hydra Bob in was brill.