I was waiting for the movie after watching the tailor.
Finally I watched it.
Its a movie with love comidy action and all.
The story is pretty different.
There was not too much carectors on this movie but still they were osm.
The hero was perfect on his role.
Yes some adult affairs was on the movie but it was cool loved a lot.
It was quite uncomfortable watching with my dad but it was ok.
The heroine was too much cute.
Enjoyed the actions which was full of comidy and skills.
Yes you will find several hd prints in internet so watch the movie and refresh your mind.
I never seen such a relaxed hero, man he has dam cool.Oh one thing I watched this movie both in English ane hindi language.The movie ends with a happy ending and also with a message of love which I was impressed.i will not tell it.
Guyes its a good movie dont foget to watch it.