Deadpool Movie Review: The Merc with mouth finally gave us the movie we all wanted to watch in a long time. Im not going to repeat myself like others and irk youll but Ryan Reynolds couldnt have redeemed himself in any better way from the animated suit character to be honest.;)nnThis movie is certainly not for regular movie-goers but for comic Deadpool fans.
Alright then, lets talk about the movie, shall we? It has action, violence(censored down by Indian Censor Board), profanity(again censored down by Indian Censor Board) and references which could have been amazing hadIndian Censor Board not censored it down. Sigh!!
Anyways the movie was amazing, action packed and just genuinely funny. Deadpool is not your typical superhero just to be clear. Colossus and Negasonic Teenage Warhead. what? Thats a cool name. ???? The only complain I have from the movie is its villains. Final Verdict: If youre a comic book fan, youll enjoy Deadpool even more. But If youre a regular movie-goer then you might fall in love with Deadpool and his ability to break the fourth fall .
FOX in a long time and the best possible apology for previous Ryan as Deadpool. Ryan Reynolds stole the show with amazingly funny script but presence of 2 Xmen characters- colossus and a badass teen worked like a cherry on top. But at the end, this is the best version of Deadpool I witnessed. And thatA is not just for goofing around like in the last witch hunter, this movie is standing on it. I never expected this type of movie and experience to have in February. Go and see it NOW!