There comes a in the life of a film studio when things begin to saturate, the glories of the past start breathing down its neck while it becomes increasingly aware that the juices in the machine are runing out and the status quo is nothing but an annoying buzz in the head.
A time to call on the gods of novelty, a time to reinvent.
But if studio in question is in the business of making superhero movies in the mid-2010s, chances are the gods might be difficult to plese.
In 2008, when Robert Downey Jr put on his iron suit for the first time, it was a widely accepted fact that somthing of consequence was at hand . It was around the same time christopher Nolan upped the ante with The Dark Knight. The movie were followed by Iron man 2, Thor, Captain America and yes, The Avengers.
But then there was more Iron Man, more Thor, more Captain America, and certainly more Avengers. Although we did see Guardians of the Galaxy and Ant-Man around this time, a thick layer of saturation had settled on the studios. Where to go from here?
Enter Deadpool.
Like the character in the movie, the itself was an experiment to inject new life into the superhero genre and save in from a slow but certain death.
And just like in the movie, a success.
In a time when even the most(supposedly) action-packed movie shy away from theR rating, Deadpool turned the game on its head.
Wipe away all your memories of the character that made his debut on the big screen in the cringe-worthy X-Men Origins: Wolverine, the new Deadpool is bloody(and) hilarious.
It might seem like an easy job for the creators to kick off a new franchise with the sheer amount of cotent and story arcs at their disposal, but as we have learnt on numerous occasions in the recent past, it is quite easy to lose the very fabric of the comic books to that of the silver screen.
For the ones familiar with the comic book avatar of the character, rejoice, this over the top meta adaption is an 101 in how to do it right.
from the very opening credits, it is clear that creator of this one are not planing to hold back. In fact, keeping up with the notion of bringing somthing new to the table, every trick in the book is used to make it as outlandish and shocking as possibly, all the while dodging the pitfalls of such efforts.
Although the movie can be gift-wrapped as a superhero movie, with a ribbon of a love story on top, it will be wiser to wiser to discuss the packege inside in terms of action and humir on the sheer account of the outrageous nature of both.
The action sequences so violent and unflinching, and the humour so crude and twisted, it will challenge the most seasoned cinephiles to find a film that off both as well. But, if there are any real heroes in thes production, its the writers. the script-loaded with self-references, its takes on the superhero movie cliches, its bashing of production studios and of course, sex jokes-is crafted in such a manner that youll be hard-pressed to find a single dull moment.
The protagonist breaks the fourth wall at will, and when he does, he into the mind of the vievers. you catch yourself thinking about a certain aspect of the movie, and suddenly the frame freezes, Deadpool looks you in the eye, breaks the fourth wall and joins you on that train of various sequences, but from the self-referential/meta ones involving X-men movie, movie budgets, the actors previous ventures and a certain someones acting skills.