I fully agree with what has been said, time waits for nobody and crying over spilt milk does not help anyone. Carrying on with life and that too living a better life would be the best way of showing that time does not wait for anyone and no body is dependent .
Generally it is said that we come alone and go alone, between the coming and going the relationship is formed, some merge very well and some do not. However at the end its alone prevails. Very rarely does both go together.
In a nutshell I fully endorse the view points and if everyone of us follow this, there cannot be any disappointment in life.
There were time when due to ignorance it was said that relations are made in heaven, yes I do agree that relations are made in heaven, but to maintain the same in a diginified manner with
equal responsibility and authorities and mutual respect to each other feelings are made on earth. This awarenes has come forth now and helps in not following a blind faith.