My answer is no. If you have had to go through all the sh*t
experience of a being in a relationship then I think the problem is with YOU.
YOU are to be blamed for everything.
Let me list some incidents that I have seen in my life that was so hard to take.
- This bloke slaps his girlfriend close to the bus stop in public at
Koramangala, Bangalore. And that sobbing female tries to console him without
retaliating an inch.
- He suspected his girlfriend a lot, probing into her mails, phone and privacy.
She got annoyed and dumped him.
- He did all he could to get married to her, but just did not want to change
his caste from Hindu to Christian; neither did she. She said - FORGET IT. She
got married to some Christian.
- Her husband is 12 years older than her.They have three kids and 12 years down
the lane she is still not happy. She is living for her kids adjusting to
- He has slapped her, abused her, and suspected her. She just bore it all. And
still keeps doing.
- She found someone else after three years of a relationship with him. He
consumed poison and was hospitalized for a week.
And more.
Why? What is wrong? Why should it bother you when she is held up with someone
else over the phone? Why did you not spend more time understanding the person
you wanted to fall in love with? Why did you judge him/her before you could
know her/him? Why did you not control your thirsty hormones to prevent yourself
from repenting now?
Just understand one thing damn it! No guy in a relationship is an immature KID.
Everyone have their own circle of freedom and privacy. And never attempt to
interfere with this circle whether you are in a relationship or attempting to.
Your girlfriend/wife has found another guy and spending a lot of time with him
and giving you excuses for coming late. So what? I know she is doing the wrong
thing. But maybe she is not happy with you. Maybe she needs luxury and better
life. Maybe she is afraid to speak to you about her affair. What is wrong with
her being that way? It’s her life, her likes and dislikes and her circle of
freedom. Let her go her way. Try to speak to her openly. Smile, accept it. And bid
her good bye. You just cant do anything about it. Remember Ankit, that dumb
a* from Bangalore a software engineer from a renowned company who killed his
wife and himself? Man! This is crazy.
Don’t fall in love blindly. Love is blind - this just talks of beauty and not
character. Beauty has nothing to do with true love. You can still love a person
who is physically handicapped but is humorous. Don’t hurry; read all
combinations of instincts in him/her and make sure you both speak the same
language. Then keep going ahead. Now that’s sensible.
For people who are about to get into a relationship - understand the person.
For people who are broken, hey! The world is big. Try to
adjust, speak and resolve. Or just let go and say OK. Bye. Take care and
Thanks. The world is big mate. And you can always fall in love again.
At 18 and more you should be mature enough to differentiate between sense and nonsense. Learn to love yourself mate. She or he is just another person, definitely not precious as your own self.
Be practical. Use your head. Stop stressing yourself. Just be calm. Don’t
complicate your life finally ending up your own self, career, health and
family. Keep it simple. Cheers!