COVID-19 is a virus which is spreading like wildfire. The primary reason is poor hygiene habits and the inability to adjudge whether one should seek medical attention or not. W.H.O has suggested the best preventive measure to protect ourselves against the coronavirus which is to wash our hands frequently. Another suggestion is to not touch your face and wash hands after touching frequently used surfaces. Viruses can last upto 3 days depending upon the surface type and increase the risk of contracting the disease. No vaccine has been developed and patients are being treated with a combination of drugs. The results vary from patient to patient. Most cases are mild and controllable but only if medical attention is sought at the right time. Mass panic has aggravated its effect on the society both physically and mentally. People are wasting masks which are in short supply already. Please read the W.H.O guidelines to understand the criticality of the situation. Refrain from meetings, dates, social gatherings etc and stay at home. If clusters are created then the odds won't be in our favor. So, keep washing hands frequently with soap and water. Don't panic buy overpriced stuff including masks, respirators, hand sanitizers and fake antiviral medicines. Staying indoors increases your chances of not contracting the disease.