Yes! It is deadly but not as deadly as killing a person. Not as deadly as HIV. But it is a glue to your entire body. It keeps sticking to you till you close your eyes forever. The reason why I wanted to write this review is to keep everyone alert on taking care of their body to make sure they dont end up with an amputated leg like my uncle. Most people including my uncle know what Diabetes is, but they are totally oblivious to why it happens.
Diabetes Mellitus often referred to as Diabetes is a case of disordered metabolism of the body resulting in abnormally high sugar. The tendency of the body to produce insulin reduces and the level of sugar increases.
If you have any of the following symptoms then you are likely to have diabetes
Increased urination
Excessive Thirst
Blurred Vision
Weight Loss
Frequent Tiredness
There are three types of diabetes. Type 1, Type 2 and Gestational Diabetes. Gestational Diabetes occurs during pregnancy and hence we wont talk about that.
Pancreas in the human body is responsible for secreting natural insulin to balance the level of sugar in the blood. When this is weak, we tend to inject insulin artificially. This is the root problem of a diabetic. But why should high sugar and less insulin lead to a weak body system?
Glucose, fructose and galactose are considered as the simplest form of carbohydrates. And these form the major source of fuel for the metabolism of the human body. You know. the various chemical reactions that take place where a compound is broken down and used up by the cells as a form of energy source.
This glucose is available in the blood stream for cells of various parts of the body to intake as energy source. So glucose, the basic simplest form of carbohydrate, an energy source travels through the blood stream for organs to suck it as food. But we need insulin to help these carbohydrates get into the cells. Insulin is the hormone responsible for the uptake of glucose into the cells - the fat cells and the muscles but not the cells of the nervous system. So now you know where we are leading to.
So when pancreas get weak, the avilability of insulin in the body is less, the glucose keeps travelling through the blood stream but the rate of the cells using them reduces and the level of glucose increases. This then leads to diabetes. And since the cells are not using much of the carbohydrates, they tend to become weak and a direct correlation to you becoming lethargic, tired and less immune.
Unfortunately once you get diabetes, a complete cure to it out of question. You can do the following to prevent and have a good healthy life with diabetes.
Forget that you have one. I mean dont keep brooding on it. Keep yourself stress free.
Inject artificial insulin after a thorough blood check and as per doctors recommendation
Breast Feed your child to prevent him/her from diabetes as it is hereditary.
Have a good healthy diet. Avoid FAST FOOD.
A small drink of whisky is ok. JUST A SMALL DRINK. I have heard doctors say OK to this.
Exercise - Walk, stretch and anything doctors recommends.
An example of having a good diet for Diabetes and Non-Diabetes is shown below.
Try having the full rice(the rice with the husk, fat, bland taste, famous in Kerala and Karnataka) instead of the boiled ones. When you have the boiled rice(the clean white, tastier ones) the digestive rice crushes it too fast and release the energy resource to the blood stream quickly. When I say release I mean the metabolism to break food into carbohydrates into the simplest form glucose. When this happens you tend to shoot the level of glucose in the blood stream.
The raw rice on the other hand, spreads the energy slowly to the blood stream since it take a long time for the digestive system to mince it. And this is good news. This is what we need.
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