Dear ray,
Your review on eczema was indeed informative. I would just like to add something important to it. All the preventive aspects you mentioned are good but for their practicality I have my doubts.
I have seen many patients of eczema and you have to really understand their psyche.Its like we tell the TB patients to take drugs for nine months and we know the definite cure is there, even then they default after 4-5 months and acquire drug resistance later on.As far as eczema is concerned even if he takes medicines and uses all those fancy emollients the cure is not there so finally the patient gets really fed up .At the maximum it regressess to come back again.
What I can suggest to all eczema patients is to consult a good homeopath and I know of many patients who have been cured of eczema. Its time we allopaths gave due credit to this alternative system of medicine .
I hope you know that in allopathy there is absolutely no cure for the eczemas and the allergies.One more thing usually these eczemas always co-exist 90% of times with allergic diseases, hence homeopathy does provide a solution to these chronic diseases. I may just like to add that role of ayurved in skin disorders is not very promising as homeopathy