I started visiting to this doctor [dr.a.pardhasaradhi, dermatologist, medwin hospitals, hyderabad] for the last few years on various counts and found his analysis and reading the patient is the best amongest several doctors in the same discipline.
the doctor always looks so simple but calculates well about the patient before he / she explains their concern. he has a busy schedule from he starts till he retires. personally, I have encountered problems of seeing him in the hospital. the kind of rush coming from all over the state of andhra makes me amused every time.
the treatment, advises, approach and attitude are beyond my expression. it is good atleast a nice dermatologist is available within my reach in the twin cities. the problem noticed by him was leichan planus and the treatment is still continuing and the improvement I have noticed within me is marvelous. I have lot of trust and regards to him for his encyclopedic knowledge in the subject. probably, this may be the reason to attract lots of sufferrers in his field. I very strongly and confidently recommend every one to approach him for any ailing problems in dermatology.
he can be reached over 09395516424 / 04023202902 or through p_anchala@yahoo.co.in also.
prior appointment makes every one easy. does not like publicity and hides himself, however, appears on tv [star, zee, tv9] very seldom.