Reading DRSUMITs review on Dealing with illness let me first of all convey my deepest sympathy to the Doctor. More than failure it is helplessness that you feel. I have gone through hell seeing both my parents being called away within a span of 15 months, my mother had cancer and father had kidney failure. But dealing with severe illness which takes away your near and dear ones brings out the real character and inner strength in you and all of a sudden you become more mature and can deal with any emergency of all kinds.You become sober and now you can understand what pain really means.
But what prods me to write a dissent to Doctors feelings is that all people feel the same pain and helplessness and then why do the doctors behave so detached and to say without exaggeration so callous. No doubt seeing the misery and pain in the hospital wards especially in diseases which are life threatening day in and day out they have to insulate their emotions and not get involved - which is understandable but being callous is not acceptable. You are under stress and if you call upon the doctor to attend on the patient if it is tea break time or he has just gone to bed after a tiring day the doctor says he is coming but comes after several reminders or just barks some orders to the nurse on the intercom. It is not his dear or near one so it can wait. Any way the patient is suffering from a life threatening disease - one day she/he has to .
We know everything is in GODS hands but Doctor for us you are the GOD on earth. Dont be so detached, the patient is someones mother or father. LIFE GIVER and TAKER is the one and one Almighty, but Doctor you have the Balm in your hands. Your two words is also enough for the patient and for the relative who is in attendance.