Many of us, including me, used to fear the day the results used to come out. The sleepless nights, the agony filled moments, chewing off our nails till that last moment till its finally declared.......and for some of us its good and some of us its not so good. But come to think of it, is it actually a do or die situation? I am not writing this review just for some kind of speculation. All I am trying to do is to see whether I can help make a positive difference to someone who reads this somewhere....
I was not very good in studies to start with. Then I started doing good. I had never failed. I think I did reasonably well till my twelfth and my graduation. Then I joined Chartered Accountancy. I cleared my foundation easily but failed in my intermediate exams. It was pretty hard for me. I had never failed before and I could not believe that of all people I could fail. It was then that my father explained to me that there is a difference between graduation and CA exams. You have to be in the excellent category of students to pass these exams. But, you know, its never easy to see your faults. Its never easy to tell yourself that I could study better than this. You always feel that if that person could pass, so could I.
But what we forget is what is important. What we forget is that there is a second chance we get most of the times. If you fail, try it out again. If you want it so much, try it till you succeed at it. And if you feel that you dont want it or that you were wrong in thinking that you wanted this, there is nothing to be ashamed of in changing your mind. But dont do it too often. Or else you will lose your precious time in it. And in case you dont get another chance, then have faith. There must be something better lying in store for you somewhere. Remember, till you have hope, you have a chance. Otherwise, failure is certain.Your goal is to excel.So put in your efforts and one day you will succeed.
I failed many a times. My father never let me lose hope. And today I am a Chartered Accountant.And all the credit goes to my father today for what I am.Thanks dad.I will always love you.