Fake website: I bought coupons, went to the merchant andmerchant (that was a restaurant and I went thr with my frnds) declines toaccept my coupons saying that they have not recieved payment for anysuch couponnos. I and merchant when called the Deals and you ppl they were unable to checkmy order no. It took 1 hour and after that they say that thr are no suchcoupons issued by them.
We need to leave the place (which wasso embarrassing) and after another 30 mins I received call from Deals andyou that there was some problem and asked me to go again to the merchant, (frnds lemme tell you that I didnt went after that and I feel that anydignified person can not go again to such a place again- it was like if I hadcommited something fraud). It seems like they have not paid to merchant forthat coupens- kind of FRAUD!!!
I was treated like if I am kind of b_gging.
I am telling you guys dont ever try to take risk of buying anycoupons from this website. Websites like Snapdeal, mydala, koovs, daily deal, buzz in town are so professional and authenticated, I keep on buying couponsfrom these website very frequently- every alternative day!! And I am alwaysdelighted to buy coupons from these websites. But Deals and you is Crab
In case you need any further clarifications anyone can contactme at mail_info@sify.com