Nowadays everybody changed their phone every 3 months or even less and I too like to stay up to date with the latest mobile phones. But it obviously gets too expensive to do so and thus I have started shopping online to get discounts and save money on shopping for gadgets.
So I recently bought the latest Blackberry Curve 3G 9330 phone from a website called Deals and you. And I am glad I shopped online because I saved almost 60-65% on the purchase of the phone from their website. If I would have shopped for it from the market it would have obviously cost a lot more. So thanks to Deals and you I could shop for a phone at a very cheap price.
Their service was also good for their offer. I got the delivery in a time period of 25 days and I even got a 6 months warranty which I initially thought I won’t because of making an online purchase. So all in all I think shopping online from Deals and you is a must try for all.