In short, I would suggest not to do any purchase with this site...really fraud site...lots of people who ordered from this site havent yet got their product. Really radiculas and pathetic service of DEALSANDYOU. I am one of the victim of this site who ordered but yet not received after 18 days over. Please see below mail where I tried to get atlest status but didnt got.
If there is any law who ban this kind of site or blacklist, please do hence people would not be misguided/cheated.
Sunday, 17 June, 2012 11:37 AM
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Hi Mr. Bhatnagar,
With reference to ticket number - 297625 and per trail mail, Your words are totally unrealistic.
One side you are saying, you will confirm shipment detail once vendor will handover product to courier partner which is not yet done after 6 working days completed.
On the other side, you are saying that I will receive my product in 7 days(excluding few days) from order placement.
It seems totally impossible because 7 days are getting over on Monday as per your calculation and Tuesday will be 8th Day from the day I placed order.
Within Two days, No one can ship and deliver product even though it requested by president of USA. Hence comeback on ground reality and let me know how you will deal with my order.
Also one of my suggestion, If you cant deliver please cancel order and give me my money back in my account.
I ensure you that I(or any of my circle member) will never place any order through your website. Also you will soon see this whole conversation on few websites which will directly make you loss in your business if you wish .
Rest all depend on you how do you want to proceed.
This is not good sign if customtakeouter has to take followup for his/her purchase. It will soon shrink your business, please keep it in your mind.
--- On Sat, 16/6/12, wrote:
Subject: Re: Your Order #629309 Confirmation
Received: Saturday, 16 June, 2012, 1:46 PM
Dear Mr. Darji,
Greetings from
With reference to your mail regarding order id # 629309, we apologize for the inconvenience caused to you. We understand that you want to know the delivery status of your product.
We would like to inform you that as per the policy, the delivery schedule for the product is 2-7 working days (excluding Saturdays, Sundays & National holidays) from the date of placing the order.
Once the product is handed over to our courier partner, our courier partner may inform you through SMS or Call before delivering the product at your desired shipping address.
We would request you to wait and you will receive the product within time frame (2-7 working days) as mentioned on our website in the section of "The Fine Print".
For future communication kindly refer to the ticket number - 297625.
Thank you for shopping at
Best Regards,
Abhinav Bhatnagar
If we can be of further assistance, please email us at or call us on +91 (0120) 672-6777 (0930Hrs-2030Hrs Mon-Sun)
For the latest deals and further information, kindly visit our website at .
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From: " xxxxxxx " []
Date Sent: 06/15/2012 1:16:00 AM
Subject: Re: Your Order #629309 Confirmation
I am still awaiting to heard any update on below order. Could you please update me the status.
Your 7 days validity going to get over on this Monday. Hence Tuesday I will claim/register complaint against your website in consumer court if I will not receive before that.
Make sure the product you are sending is genuine and proper what you committed to send.
--- On Wed, 6/6/12, wrote:
Subject: Your Order #629309 Confirmation
Received: Wednesday, 6 June, 2012, 8:43 PM