This is a really sweet and marvellous movie.I love the role of Alia Bhatt in this movie.She was infallibe.Shah Rukh Khan was infallible too.They both were looking awesome.Alia Bhatts role was of a cinematographer, who at first wanted to make her own movie but fails to do so.There are some men who come in her life and support her.She breaks a , mans heart but in the end she wins him back.She struggled in her life and the movie shows about the mindset of the people.It shows that the people think that the people, who go to the so called DDs( sychologists) are totally mad.The movie extensively shows us the life and the important people in alias life.Shah Rukh Khan is a sychologist in the movie, a little different from other sychologists.He helps alia overcome her problems in very interesting ways and at last alia overcomes her fear.The movie is very enotional also as alias parents did not support her or give her love when she was a child.Overall, the movie was awesome, all the aspects of the movie were amazing and fantabulous.A totally paisa wasool movie.