Death in the Grizzly Maze is the Story about Timothy Treadwell and his life long battle with inner demons that manifest themselves as obsessive compulsive disorders that put Tim and the people he loves on a path to destruction. Having read Among Grizzlies and watched the movie Grizzly Man I was a bit shocked when about 4 pages into this book I discovered that I was not the only person that thought Timothy Treadwell was a stark raving mad mouth breather with limited intelligence and even less common sense. The failed actor turned animal rights activist has ZERO education in wildlife, nature, biology of the bears he loved so much. I say love, I really mean obsessed. Because that is what this story is ultimately about...mans obsession with the dark things that roam around the perimeter of our campfires. Taunting us, tempting us, testing us...For Timothy it was too much and he ended up spending 13 of the last summers of his life isolated and alone in the Katmai wilderness of Alaska...Beautiful country, ive been there, but like any wilderness its to be respected. And that’s where Timothy Treadwell FAILED so miserably as a naturalist...He didn’t RESPECT nature...he simply loved it and obsessed over it, and that is a deadly combination when youre camping alone in the wilderness with apex predators. I urge everyone to read Death in the Grizzly Maze to learn the truth about this alleged Bear Whisperer. Ecco-celebrities want to bestow sainthood on Mr. Treadwell, but he does NOT deserve it. Timothy Treadwell was a mentally unstable man that caused not only his own death, but the death of a woman and ultimately two of the very bears he claimed to protect. His reckless behavior, even after being repeatedly warned by wildlife biologists who new WAY more than he did, was juvenile and dangerous. He often lied to both supporters and officials about his conduct around the bears and finally paid the price for it. I urge everyone who read Among Grizzlyies to also read this book. Also there are no leads to the Tim Treadwell autopsy photos or audio from the attack.