After reading two reviews so far this morning on this site I had to go and check it out. I must say the reviews are right on the money.
I went there and seen various headings like wills, prayers, etc. and clicked on each one thinking perhaps there might be some suggestions say on making out a will but it seems to me that all this is, is the site owner ranting and raving about anything that pops in his head. Also sharing e-mails that people have written him and his smart replies!!!
Anyway for the heck of it I punched my numbers in and found out I have until 2017 which will make me 68 so I had better start writing out my will now.
I am joking people, this site is so silly and weird that it actually gave me a chuckle to think some one would waste there time putting up and maintaining it.
No one but God knows when our time is up. He(the site owner) is subtracting our age from the average age for a man or woman to live. Well all females in my family have been in there 90s when they have passed on so according to Rosie that should put me near 2041. I like my way of figuring better.
I dont usually write silly reviews but couldnt help myself this time. What worries me is this site could be harmful to some people that go there and might possibly believe what it says. I sure hope not. I do not recommend this site to any one. It is a total waste.