This has come to your notice earlier and Im bringing this burning issue up, again and again.
The news paper was not delivered today at my residence and when I called to your employee(PREM), he just bluntly said he cannot deliver.
Why is that you default on delivering services?If you cant deliver, refund my money immediately else this matter will go to consumer court.Your employee used harsh words over the phone today and had behaved unprofessionally many times and continuing to do so. This is not at all acceptable. We will spread the message about this in all social networking sites.
Your employees even threaten stating "what will I do if newspaper is not delivered today".Are your employees gundas? A copy of this mail will be circulated to all the newpapers to bring to your attention. This will also be circulated in all social networking sites until I be refunded with penalty.
Vishwanathan, I want you to call me immediately