Being a resident of Bangalore for the passed 25 years I have had one constant companion. Deccan Herald has been my link to the citys events. It is superior in its content of local news as well as the . But more than that I am very fond of its supplements on Saturday and Sunday, covering a spectrum of topics ranging from lifestyle, youth , arts and culture, current affairs and travel, etc. They cover so much in just four pages. It is the only paper that gives a fair share to culture featuring well known artistes regularly. I have myself written several articles and so from a journalists point of view find DH very interesting. Though I do feel off late, that the articles in Sunday Herald are getting shorter. On one page they have about 4-5 small articles compared to the earlier editions where justice was done with each story. Its becoming a mixture of various things all put together. Squeezing a lot in little space. Im not sure why they have reduced the size of articles.
However, it goes without saying that Deccan Herald will remain Bangalores premiere daily. Good wishes from a long time reader.