I had to visit Dinanath Mangeshkar Hospital recently because of two reasons. First, my dad needed an eye surgery to remove cataract from both eyes and second it was in pre approved list of hospitals on my insurance provider’s list. I visited it twice in span of 3 days. Firstly to get the operation date and secondly for actual operation accompanying my father. Thankfully both the times my experience was very good.
Hospital infrastructure is modest. It’s not plush but simple. First thing you feel is ample parking space to park your two wheelers and four wheelers.I found staff to be very efficient, hard working and soft spoken. Instructions are to the point and perfect. Never ever it happened to me that I have been redirected unnecessarily or in wrong way.
Person at next point was almost expecting me and already knew what I need. Most of the times they will be eagerly waiting for you and you dont have to wake them up! Simple example being 24/7 pharmacy which was crowded and I was wondering whom to ask but within 5 minute a person from staff only asked for my prescription. This is no magic but a real example of process well in place and followed religiously by entire staff.
On operation day my journey started from reception desk where around 5 female staff are sitting with "May I help you" board. From there I went to Ophthalmology department who asked me to go to admission department. Person there asked my dad not to wait and go directly to daycare for preoperative things like eye drops and dress change etc. I stayed and completed formalities. And person accompanied me to daycare with completed file. There my dad was already conditioned for the operation.
Operation was supposed happen at 8:30 AM but it got delayed to 10:00 AM. Yeah that’s the only waiting time we had. After operation a “very kind” doctor came looking for me and actually found me herself. She explained me in detail what has been done just has she had explained before operation. She saw my mom watching us from outside and asked me to call her in. She explained everything in Hindi again for my mother.
After that they called me in Recovery to have a look at my father and finally we got him in daycare again. Discharge process started after that. I have been asked to get few medicines and no due certificate which I got easily after going through few counters and wings. It hardly took 15 minutes. Canteen at ground floor was easy to find and parceled coffee and biscuits for me. We finished discharge and we were out by 1 PM. What struck me most was:
1> A doctor at daycare studied other reports like ECG out of his interest and gave me few alerts about my fathers heart condition.
2> Soft spoken staff right from reception to doctors to administrators to security @ gate, everyone!
3> A concerned doctor who helped with everything including insurance formalities personally. She even took my mobile numbers and guided properly all the time although it was not a critical operation.
4> It was clean and tidy.
5> All insurance “headache” like cashless hospitalization handled by hospital just after I filled a form with their help well before actual hospitalization.6> Informative and up to date web site https://dmhospital.org/
7> Excellent guidance! Overall a very healthy experience!