Oh goody another clone of jaws, just what the world needs.Well actually this movie is better than that, but its still doesnt come close to the spine tingly suspense built up by Jaws - Im not sure that it even tries. Tosay that this is a good movie as well would be a lie, but it is an entertaining movie and hence the final 4/5 rating. The rating comes not froma brilliant plot, good script, great acting or anything of the sort, but simply from pure entertainment value...so sue me.
The plot behind Deep Blue Sea is actually quite interesting, if more than a litte far fetched. A bunch of scientists aboard a research station which is mainly based underwater are experimenting on some sharks. They are looking for a cure to human brain disease by using a chemical only found in the brain of sharks(or something like that - my memory is a little fuzzy). Anyway, the upshot of this is that in doing these experiments, they are somehow tampering with the brains of te sharks which is causing them to become more intelligent. These super intelligent sharks have something of a beef with their captors and eventually see a way of breaking out of their compound and into the under water lab - the captors become the prey.
Deep Blue Sea is, like I said, highly entertaining. Gone here are the rubber shark effects seen in Jaws to be replaced with a far better computer animated shark, which looks rather good if you ask me. The supsense is minimal but there are some good scenes although it is all rather predictable in the end which is a shame. The actinf is ok, although it would have been nice to have seen more of Samuel Jackson throughout as he is a great actor in my view. Instead we get a rather wooden hero and heroine and the obligatory funny black guy who of course has to become shark food sooner or later - its in the Hollywood rules...black guy = funny or must die before the movie ends, but usually both. The idea here is certainly not a new one and it could and should have been handled so much better, but at least they made it entertaining, if dumbed down for the cinema audiences. I was epecting more gore, but then that would have kept the under 18 crowds away from the cinema...ho-dee-hum...money, money, money. still, a 4/5 for entertainment though, its just a shame that everything else rates around a 2 or 3.