I have not been a big science fiction addict. I read a lot of fiction, travel writing and literature .Occasionally I have ventured into philosophy but science fiction was last dealt with during school days.But that changed when I got the Golden Apples of the Sun by Ray Bradbury- a collection of short stories including real classy ones like The Fog Horn and The Dragon.So when I was searching for another author like Bradbury who highlights the human element in Science fiction and who does not go overboard with technology but captures your imagination that I got hold of this book.And today I am reading a lot of other stuff written by this great personality.
Arthur C Clarke is great because he is not just a science fiction writer but also a visionary. He visualised scientific phenomenon like transmission of radio satellite signals in outer space 25 years before it actually happened !!! His earlier days were obsessed with Universe and space as could be seen in his books but somewhere along the line he got more interested in Underwater exploration.
The Deep Range is a wonderful book tracing the life of the protagonist-Walter Franklin as he tries to unravel the unexplored depths of the oceans.It is futuristic and at the same time humane highlighting the fact that our daily life does not change in the future just the tools and technologies change.Its also about love , family and friendship.
As you read the book the imagery etches itself in your mind and you start thinking along the vast stretches of time and space which the daily rigmorale takes away from you. Somehow I felt liberated after reading this book- free to explore the oceans like the whales .
And for those who have always been wary of science fiction - dont worry this book is simple and easy to read and has a story. I am sure most of you would really love it.