Wingate 5.0.1 is the latest offering from Deer field . com.
WG 5.0.1 has excellent features and most of them derived from its earlier versions.
The main use of this product is it emulates the gateway between the users of your network and the Internet.
you can straight away install this on the Pc that connects to the Internet have and internal IP / Intranet Ip addressing scheme and use that PCs internal IP address as the gateway for the clients DEFAULT GATEWAY configuration.
WinGate is an Internet connectivity server and firewall package that allows you to share a single (or multiple) Internet connections with an entire computer network. irrespective of the type of connection you have, be it dial up modem, ISDN DSL. in Simple English terms This is purely dependent on the TCP/IP protocol and not on the type of connection you are using.
what makes Wingate so special and Unique
Low cost. compared to other proxy softwares.
No dependency - you can install this on any windows version, be it server or workstation
Firewall , Protection from outside attacks and
content filtering. you can set rules as to who can access and what can they access.
Optimum use and less resources , utilizes minimum of system resources
Internet connection sharing
The Pc having wingate installed acts as your gateway or proxy . just install on a pc in your network that connects you to Internet ( we will call this GATEWAY) and have all the client PC use the default gateway address of GATEWAY. and Boom.. you are connected to Internet.
there is also another way of doing this. you type in the GATEWAYs IP address web browsers proxy setting but.. its more effective if you actually have it in default gateway. that allows you all the Internet dependent applications like outlook or outlook express, Yahoo IM and MSN messenger access Internet directly without configuring the proxy address in those programs.
Wingate has Packet level Firewall filtering, you can deny any outside connections getting to GATEWAY. you can specify the ip addresses who can access GATEWAY.
e MAIL system
you can have your own internal mailing system. this also eliminates the need for going for MAIL Server softwares. I do agree that SEND MAIL and QUICKMAIL are free open source softwares , but you need a lot of hardware and LINUX. but you can just configure this straight on a PC and have a mail server ready for your use. just a DNS resolution and a permanent Public IP address you can have a full fledged mail server.
If you dont want to bother yourself providing your other machines with IP addresses all the Time. WG 5.1 has a special built in DHCP service. that allots IP addresses to the client PCs. All you need to do is leave the ip configuration blank, and the rest is taken care of by DHCP
DNS is a name resolution system software that resolves your domain names to IP addresses. just configure the DNS field on GATEWAY from that provided by ISP and rest is rock and roll.
Want to know who accessed what and what mails have been sent ? try it out.
there are also certain more interesting features I haven t tried yet. but surely wingate is what you get best for the money you spend.
One important NOTE ..
Once wingate is installed on your PC , any web services on your PC wont work. DONT PANICK .. just configure your wingate PROXY to use a different port and you have your web services and wingate services all set and running.
download from and try this software free for 30 days and try it for yourself.
trust me