I like Sanjay Dutt. He is a versatile actor. He came out with flying colors through his personal life. There is a great combination of Amitabh and Sanjay. Amitabh has also done wonders with his life. These both men never lost their hope in life and work. It seems to me they both are good friends, and have acted in many movies to gether.
The plot of Deewar is great. If the plot is true plot and this is the position of prisoners of war (POW). Many years passes away and nobody knows about them. Than what is the UN organization doing?. What is the Geneva Convention for? Where is the humanity? Every country talks about the human conditions and the country. Why dont they talk about the human conditions of POW.
Akshay, Sunil and Amitabh has done great job. Amitabh and Sunil kep the plot and movie alive.
Unanswered question: How an untrained person can go to foreign land to save his father from the hands of an enemy. What happend to the girl friend of Akshay in Pakistan. What happened to the body of Mr. Khan?. Mr. Khan told Col. Ranvir that if he dies, his body should be taken to India.
Oh I forgot this is movie and not the facts. In the movies director and producer can do any thing. He can forget anything he wants to.
In nutshell the movie is great. It is worth watching. Direction is good. Acting is good. suspense is good. The ending is good.