Denzel Washington and Val Kilmer are accomplished actors, who deliver their performances with panache. Paula Patton has the looks and figure to inspire voyeurism in even the strongest hermit. (especially in the
bathroom scenes)
The plot is based on a technology which may be possible in the
future. As far as I know, no matter how many satellites you have, a wall is a wall, is a wall. Something that you
cannot see through, unless:
a> It is made of transparent glass/plastic;
b>You are Superman, and are not suffering from Kryptonite;
On the other hand, the plot does also stink of promoting voyeurism. How would you like it, if anyone with power over that technology can see right through your privacy whenever they feel like?
As usual, everything seems to be possible only in the US.
Some of the action scenes area bit far-fetched. That kills the tone of the movie.
Overall, a nice movie, with a good sci-fi/technology plot.
Worth a dekko, if only for Paula.