http://www.dekhona.com, A Website whose future use will be indispensable, can you imagine? The days when PCs will come embedded with inbuilt video editing software, speakers, earphones, media players, plug it and use your PC for your Communication solutions, Entertainment solutions, security solutions, testosterone solutions etc.,
Increase in the importance of PCs is proportional to increase in value of websites with
content of mass appeal, moving picture has always fascinated our sensory brain, we are
never fed up of looking at our own moving pictures and the moving pictures of the world
around us. Looking at moving pictures gives us insight into value of the object.
3G Mobile Networks, Video Editing software, we are almost at the verge of creating industry
standards for mass consumption of these software and networks, sites like DEKHONA has their
value increasing everyday in leaps and bounds. India can play a big part if we take this
new opening opportunity seriously, very seriously. We are hearing mention of YOUTUBE and
this video site, and that video site, in many magazines and other media outlets. Dekhona has
yet to come out of its infancy, it has an opportunity to avoid doing the mistakes other
popular sites did in its field. Me-Generation is FINITO, Us-Generations time is now. India can
be market leader in this 1 billion hour video needs of the market, people are buying PCs at
supersonic speed, look at countries like Romania etc., They are hungry for content and they
are getting wired and connected quick, quick, quick.
Lets forget who is holy and who is unholy, just grab the needs of the market, everyone dalit,
Brahmin, Muslim, Christian, Sikh, everybody get integrated and grab the biggest, fattest
consolidated media pie ever generated by COMPUTERS of the world today now. My browser can
show me .mov, .avi, .wmi, .sh*t files, I will download that browser or, I will buy that
Operating System as soon as possible. I don’t have time to download 25 MEDIA players to just
see the things I like.
This is a big ask, big pie and task at hand can clean India of its poverty and many other
illegal, unwanted and unnecessary distinctions. A web browser with integrated library files
in each and every PC will have the capacity to play every media clip ever coded. DEKHONA
is the harbinger of times to come. Maybe they can give links to some important video codecs
as of now, I am just fed up and updating real player, windows media players and so many other
media players I have on my pc.
I am so sorry, I must get to the structure of the site under review, registration is simple
if you have videos to show, register, otherwise if you want to just view and give ratings to
the vides, you can do it, as soon you arrive at the index page. There are channels, you can
subscribe, there are hot lists, there are other useful functions on the site. The upload has
few chinks, I am sure they will be streamlined soon. While the upload is taking place, you
have funny and interesting messages keep you busy, this was very thoughtful of the webmasters.
Our world has become crazy about blogging, video shooting, cellular technologies and soon it
will crave for 1 billion hour streaming, screaming, zipping videos in packet date rushing thru
fiber optic cables criss crossing all over the globe, thru sattellite dishes, over land, seas
air, and space. Everyone wants Games, Movies, Video clips and there is going to be big
consumer GLOBE. Finally we will know human mass think alike, do alike, feel alike.
I am surprised at ROMANIA and other active countries on the web, they are making most of their
new found expressing powers so seriously, they have become united as a group, they have the
power to make any group or any website popular overnight on the web. They have already filmed
with their mobile phones every nook and corner of their beautiful countries, India will be
lagging behind if we do not wake up to these realities, clean up your acts now!
India can upload videos of tourist sites, hotels, food guides, city guides, direction maps
online investment guides, online cultural guides, what is more convenient to see? India on
your desktop or go to lanes and by lanes to discover use worthiness, a global world will want
uncontrolled, untampered, amateur videos guiding them for his investment quest, his spiritual
quest, his physical quest, his cultural quest and his ancestral quest etc., Videos will help
him 1000 times better in his quest than plain writings.
We the world citizen will become so much inter-connected it will become impossible for any one
to fool us or lie to us anymore. Independent information sources will generate need for 10
million live-feed camera installations all over our world, these cameras will shut the mouth
of liars and other people. We the poor common people will have our day soon.
Dekhona means COME-SEE, it is a invitation in Hindi, the website investors can give away
prizes to international users to make it popular by word of mouth, DEKHONA will one day
become a WEAPON OF MASS CORRECTION. I cant stop my eyes from seeing the potential of this site.
I will spend most of my time infront of my PC with CHEAP internet connection, when I have my
1 Billion Video clips looking at unadulterated world, I will be happy. I will not have time to
see SAAS or BAHU, I will only have time to see my beloved SAAS.
is India mature enough to see this opportunity? Media players, mobile networks, entertainment
companies, internet companies, PC makers, content makers will beg DEKHONA website owners to partner with them in future, if we understand the potential today. UPLOADED VIDEOS.
*Yo! upload feelings, findings, facts, and be part of FUN UNLIMITED!
see my videos at https://dekhona.com(smisbahuddin)*