The expectations for a movie by R O (after RDB) has moved higher but this film has drastically brought the level. The movie is boring, slow. The crux of the story was good but the movie is not well made to be true.
The director could have used other actors rather than Ompuri, Rishi Kapoor, Vahida rehman & specially S Kapoor who were unable to put the mark & make a remembrance of them. The screenplay was bad.
The reason for showing the glimpses of Ramayan in the movie is still unclear.
The disastrous part in the movie to know was:
Masakali song is sung for a kabootar
Why the hell did AB become the Kaala Bandar.
The dvd of this movie on release should be kept with the dvds of Trimurti & those kind of movies. Final word for the movie --- BAD
130 Rs wasted .